Asking for help請求幫助

補習-Asking for help請求幫助香港補習城

補習介紹原文: Mary calls John, asking him to give a message to her parents. W: Hello, Uncle John, this is Mary. M: Mary, what a surprise! How are you doing in China? W: Not bad. Could you do me a favor[1]? I've been trying to call my Mom and Dad for almost an



Mary calls John, asking him to give a message to her parents.

W: Hello, Uncle John, this is Mary.

M: Mary, what a surprise! How are you doing in China?

W: Not bad. Could you do me a favor[1]? I've been trying to call my Mom and Dad for almost an hour, but the line is always busy. Nobody else could have been talking with them on the phone for so long. They must have hung up[2] the phone improperly. Could you possibly go there in order to let them know that?

M: OK. No problem.

W: Thanks a lot, Uncle John,

M: You're welcome.




W: 嗨,約翰叔叔,我是瑪麗。

M: 瑪麗,真讓人驚訝呀!你在中國過得怎么樣?

W: 還不錯。能麻煩您幫我一個忙嗎?我給我爸媽打電話都打了一個小時了,但是一直占線。別人不可能和他們在電話上說這么長時間的。他們肯定沒把電話掛好。能麻煩您去那兒提醒他們一下嗎?

M: 好的。沒問題。

W: 多謝,約翰叔叔。

M: 不用客氣。



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